Seat belt repairs, what can be repaired and what cannot be repaired

One of two things typically goes wrong with a seat belt to result in needing a repair or replacement.

1/ The seat belt webbing can become frayed, torn, faded, dog chewed, caught in a car door, cigarette burns, cut, furred edging. All of which can significantly affect the performance of your seat belt in a negative way.

2/ The seat belt webbing fails to retract into the winding mechanism (retractor) of the seat belt. This is occurs if the clock spring (large spring on the side of the retractor) becomes tired and worn out. To comply with Australian Design Rules clock springs must be able to perform 55,000 cycles. (Extraction and retraction = one cycle) Over time the spring can simply wear out.

What to do?

The first item can be repaired by Restraint Technology qualified technicians using Australian Standards approved webbing, which must comply with AS1753 which in turn is required for AS2596 the Australian standard for replacement seat belts.

The second problem of failed clock spring cannot be repaired and results in the need to replace the entire retractor mechanism with one of our Restraint Technology replacement seat belt retractors.

IMPORTANT: If the seat belt was worn while the car was involved in an accident, both the seat belt and the buckle must be replaced! Seat belts are designed to work under load only once. Failing to replace a used seat belt is highly dangerous and could result in the seat belt failing to work if involved in another accident.

Next step

Call Restraint Technology on 03 9729 1988 to discuss your seat belt requirements. We perform repairs and replacements all over Australian and no matter where you are we are only an overnight airbag away.

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